Our formal milonga gives all of us an opportunity to dress-up and enjoy a social evening among friends. One way to keep things interesting and to have nice photos is by suggesting the dancers to use a dress theme for the monthly milonga. We typically hold monthly milongas every 3rd Saturday of the month.
Join us for St. Patrick's Day Milonga!
Think green and wear green!
If you do not wear green, then you will probably be pinched.
Pinching people not wearing green is a tradition that is associated with leprechauns.
And, since there is a Pot of Gold at the End of the Rainbow, wear some gold too!
Saturday, March 15th, 2025
TIME: 8:30PM 12AM
Entrada $20
4308 Whitemud Rd.
Enjoy an elegant evening in a relaxing atmosphere dancing to carefully selected tandas of Argentine tango, milongas and valses.
Come and share your hugs with us ♥
Tango may influence your wardrobe.
Your first question when buying clothes will be "but can I dance in it?"